Podzemie pod vežami - živá expozícia pre verejnosť

Jaskyňa pre turistov

Medvedia štôlňa - staré banské dielo 
spristupnené pre verejnosť

miesto kde sa oplatí zastaviť.
Sprístupnená jaskyňa Zlá diera na území Prešovského okresu, pri obci Lipovce
Hudba podľa môjho gusta!


Już od 1989 r. firma Air-Sport  
dzięki swoim skrzydłom ułatwia adeptom latania poznanie piękna trzeciego wymiaru – powietrza
Jaskyniarsky klub Strážovské vrchy

Odporúcané stránky:
www.welzl.cz www.galeriaslovakia.sk


Ing. Camelia Bãluþescu  [30048]

Autorove články (všetkých článkov - 0)
Autorove fotogalérie (všetkých fotogalérií - 3)

Narodená: 1977, Rumunsko
Bydlisko: Timiºoara, Rumunsko
E-mail: hatzegopteryx@gmail.com
Web: http://speozarand.blogspot.com/

Životopis: I was born in the west part of Romania, far away from the mountains but I was always attracted to them. I studied primary school, then Technical College "Politehnica" University, engeneering degree. I also attended The Art School, Department of Photographic Art and Cinematography, in Timiºoara. In 2004 I followed a photo workshop in the underground world which brought me closer to the caves. I entered in 2007 at the Mountaineering Organisation SpeoZarand Brad.
    This association aims to protect and explore caves in the Metaliferi & Zarand Mountains, Romania. I made two visits to Slovakia, to a photo workshop (2008) and mountain tours in Slovensky Raj&Tatra (2009), I'm very pleased by the country, people and places. I have photos displayed on two personal exhibitions and 10 group exhibitions in the city of Timisoara, 2 group exhibitions with speleological theme in the town of Brad, Romania and two participations at National Festival of Art Speoleophotography, "SpeoArta" and a prize win in 2008.
    My passion: archeology.
Bibliografia: Pictures for the book: Dana Gheorghiu - Die Fabrukler